Online Certificate Course in Permaculture | Planning Sustainable Natural Systems and Resource Conservation
Advanced Permaculture Course for a Career in Sustainability
Go beyond the basic training offered in most other permaculture certificates! Many courses in Permaculture are introductory - they take around 70 hours to complete, Sustainable Living Courses Online bring you this meaningful Certificate which takes between 12-18 months to complete (part time study). You cannot compare the depth of learning - this course ensures students build permaculture into their lifestyle or work.
Sustainable Living Courses Online is a specialist branch of education from education experts ACS Distance Education. ACS has been leading the way in distance - correspondence and online - horticulture education since 1979!
Explore you passion, extend your skills, start a business or seek employment in environmental or sustainable industries.
This course delivers
- extensive and solid training for those who want to work in horticulture,
- skills in the design and care of productive natural garden systems.
Graduates often find employment in general horticulture, permaculture design, or natural gardening (eg. in garden/system design, nurseries, teaching, consulting, etc).
An excellent starting point for an exciting career in permaculture or sustainable gardening, and the skills you will learn will be valuable for any area of Horticulture too. Skills like these are currently in demand in Australia and overseas.
Advanced Permaculture Course Content
The Certificate in Advanced Permaculture Systems involves two areas of work:
PART 1: Core Studies - 50% of the course
The core units develop fundamental general skills in horticultural practices and plant knowledge. The core units cover the following topics:
1. Introduction to Plants
2. Parts of the Plant
3. Plant Culture - Planting
4. Plant Culture - Pruning
5. Plant Culture - Irrigation and Machinery
6. Soils and Media
7. Soils and Nutrition
8. Seeds and Cuttings
9. Other Techniques
10. ID and Use of Plants - Landscape Application
11. ID and Use of Plants - Problems
12. ID and Use of Plants - Indoor/tropical plants
13. Pests
14. Diseases
15. Weeds
Part 2: Stream Studies - 50% of the course
These involve 300 hours of study, and are made up of the following modules:
- Permaculture Systems
- Advanced Permaculture
Plus one (1) of the following electives-
- Poultry
- Fruit and nut production
- Organic Plant Culture
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Water Conservation and Management
- Plant Ecology
- Plant Conservation
- Irrigation Crops
Learning Aims of the two (2) required Stream Units
Permaculture Systems
- Explain the concepts of natural systems of relevance to Permaculture.
- Determine appropriate cultural techniques to use in a Permaculture system.
- Explain the incorporation of different animals in a Permaculture system.
- Determine appropriate plants for inclusion in a Permaculture system.
- Select appropriate technologies for use in Permaculture systems.
- Draw concept Permaculture plans to scale.
- Advanced Permaculture
- Evaluate appropriate design strategies for a specific development site.
- Explain the relationship between a Permaculture system and natural patterns occurring in a local area.
- Develop strategies for the management of water in a Permaculture design.
- Determine earthworks for the development of a Permaculture system.
- Design a Permaculture system for the humid tropics.
- Design a Permaculture system for a dry climate.
- Design a Permaculture system for a temperate to cold climate.
- Determine planning strategies for the development of a Permaculture system.
- Prepare cost estimates for a Permaculture development plan.
- Explain alternative sustainable systems practiced in various places around the world.
What Activities You Will Complete!
Develop a good understanding of the scientific system of naming plants.
Discuss some of the aspects which play a part in permaculture.
Describe how permaculture is different to other forms of horticulture and agriculture.
Visit an outdoor environment area determine what relationships the living and non‑living things might have with each other.
Explain contour maps and how this information can be used to estimate potential effects on plant growth.
Explain weather patterns in your local area. Determine why this knowledge may be important to the permaculture practitionist.
Explain water within an ecosystem or permaculture garden and its application.
Describe the differences between the three main types of climate zones (ie: Tropical, Temperate and Desert); and briefly give your views on what major differences would need to be taken in establishing a permaculture system in each climate zone, compared with the other two.
Explain the importance of trees in a permaculture system.
Describe how you would build a no dig garden approximately 10 X 3 metres in size.
Step by step work through a process of planning changes to a garden to make it into more of a permaculture system.
Collect and list pre-planning information relevant to developing home into a permaculture system
Write a report explaining the five permaculture zones.
Create a table listing 50 different pest, disease and weed problems in one column, and an appropriate natural control method for each one in an adjacent column.
Make a list of companion plants. In one column, list the herb or companion plant.
Draw a plan for a fruit or vegetable garden which incorporates companion planting.
Explain briefly each of the companion planting interrelationships you have included in your plan.
Design a small and simple water garden for use in a permaculture system.
Design and build an herb spiral.
Design a vegetable and herb garden based on permaculture principles which would produce enough food to feed you and your family for the entire year.
List as many different central features as you can think of which could be used in a Mandalla garden.
Outline how to plan and prepare garden zones in relation to animals. Provide step-by-step instructions and accompanying photographs or drawings.
Contact your state department of Agriculture and obtain leaflets relating to poultry which you are particularly interested in keeping.
Contact your state department of Agriculture and obtain leaflets (and any other publications) relating to bee keeping.
In no less than 500 words explain the importance of bees to horticulture and the permaculture garden.
Develop a 5 year plan for developing a one hectare permaculture farm utilising plants, animals and fish (aquaculture). Use drawings and diagrams where needed to assist in this report.
Select three different aquatic animals which would be appropriate to grow in a permaculture system. For each one in turn, explain how you would incorporate it into a permaculture system.
Go to nurseries and agricultural supply companies and inquire about environmentally safe pesticides. Write a report on these products.
Observe the construction process of a building or structure that involves some type of earthworks (eg, roads, dams, etc).
Take a photograph of your home or residence. Discuss your residence in relation to designing with consideration to the environment (eg. does it efficiently utilize sun and shade, is it energy efficient).
Describe the importance of house design in relation to location, eg. tropical region of Queensland or west coast of Tasmania.
Contact the local council or health department and inquire about allowable use of waste material in your area. Consider asking about grey water, septic tanks, use of effluent and animal wastes, etc. Write a report to 250 words on the task.
Contact and obtain information on composting toilets from a manufacturer. Compile this information and use it as a personal reference.
Contact a supplier of windmills and find out all that you can about the use of these devices for supplying water (ie. pumping from a river, lake, dam, ground water etc). Discover the alternatives available, the costs involved, the applications, operation etc.
Contact the National Parks and Wildlife department and obtain as much information as possible on wildlife corridors, conservation, etc. Contact your local council department and inquire about their wildlife corridors, etc. Are they similar or drastically different? Can you think of a reason why there may be a difference?
For a month period, write down all tasks performed by yourself and anyone who enters your permaculture garden. Submit this work schedule plus a brief report on how it may be possible to improve the time efficiency in the garden.
Write a report on where you think 'alternative' permaculture is heading in terms of mainstream acceptance.
Estimated Duration: 650 - 700 hours or 12-18 months part-time study.
Graduates find employment:
- general horticulture fields, offering a Permaculture perspective to the industry
- Servicing Permaculture or natural gradening systems
- Natural garden design,
- Plant nurseries,
- Teaching and consulting to inspire the use of permaculture and natural gardening systems.
What Next?
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