About Us

ACS has been writing about and teaching in these areas since 1979, It launched first self sufficiency distance education course in 1984. It is a long term member of the International Herb Association, the Alternative Technology Assoc in Australia, Permaculture Assoc in UK, Complimentary Medicine Assoc. 
Principal John Mason, started teaching self sufficiency adult courses for Council of Adult Education in 1974. Prior to that he had completed a diploma in horticultural science and worked in plant nurseries and landscaping. He wrote for Grass Roots Magazine for almost 2 decades from 1981. He worked with Bill Mollison (Permaculture founder) on a park development in Mildura in 1979 and was encouraged by Friend & founder of Owner Builder magazine (John Archer) to get into mud brick building in 1980.  In 1982 he built the schools first office from mud brick.  
John & staff have had many books published including “Sustainable Agriculture” published by Landlinks (CSIRO) Press, Growing Vegetables (published by Simon & Schuster-Kangaroo Press) and Home Grown Magazine.