About Us » About our Sustainability School

What is Sustainable Living?

Living sustainably involves living in a way that does not damage the world we live in. Sustainable living aims to maintain relative stability is all aspects of our living:

  • Our physical environment needs to be stable. Climate change and environmental degradation must be avoided.
  • The physical needs of individuals need to be met not only today, but future supply must me stable (food, clothing, energy etc).
  • Our emotional and social needs must be met
  • Our political and economic systems must be stable.

When any of these things become destabilised, it threatens flow on effects and destabilisation of others.

  • One way to live more sustainably by depending less on outside sources for what you need (eg. growing your own food, generating your own energy, etc)
  • Another way to live more sustainably is to influence political, economic and other decisions made by communities or whole countries (eg. Reducing fossil fuel use)
  • In reality, everyone is interconnected though; and when some abuse the use of resources, they inevitably affect others. The only realistic way to achieve a more sustainable way of living is to both take action as individuals, but also take action as communities or groups of individuals.  This starts with becoming more aware, more knowledgeable, and increasing the capacity to act appropriately.


ACS Distance Education...

  • involved with self sufficiency and sustainability issues since the 1970's
  • develops courses and eLearning products and services.    
  • caters for a range of learners.  
  • prioritises learning at the core of the products and services.  
  • fosters success for students in today’s competitive employment market.  
  • teaches real skills and practical pet knowledge.   
  • believes course assessment components strengthen learning. 
  • regards a student’s performance as secondary to learning, that makes us different to many other schools. 

Facts about the school

  • We've been established since 1979. Our mission has remained firm - to provide quality learning experiences. 
  • We put our student’s first. Academic support and administration staff are available every day. 
  • We employ content writers who are subject matter experts. 
  • We rapidly adapt to trends and challenges in education.  
  • We develop, then continuously review everything needed to support your learning …course curriculum, course notes, textbooks, videos and software. 
  • We devise courses that are completely unique yet meet pet industry and owner needs.  

Strong Industry Connections

We’ve always believed it is important to be strongly in tune with industry. 

Over more than four decades, we have a built an entire network of contacts and credentials including education leaders, schools and partners, colleges and industry colleagues who inspire us to keep getting better at what we do.  

We do this by: 

  • ACS and staff being a member of many industry bodies. 
  • Following industry research and development – encouraging staff to be involved with professional bodies and events. 
  • Providing professional development opportunities to staff.
  • Forging partnerships with other industry bodies.
  • Supporting and participating in industry activities, both as an organisation, and as individuals. 
  • We support and maintain formal relationships with events, organisations, and businesses across many of the industries we service.

The ACS Distance Education - Pet Courses Online school has links to many credible organisations. 

  • Registered member of IARC
  • Member of ACS Global Partners Network – committed to Ethical Education
  • Member of the Permaculture Institute, International Herb association, Future Farmers Network, Complimentary Medicine Association, and many other relevant organisations.
  • An M.O.U. with PIEFA (Primary Industries Education Foundation)